
{The Grinch Gone Crazy}

So I titled today "The Grinch Gone Crazy" not because he has, but because I have felt a little nutty lately.  First, last week was weird because I threw my back out when I went sky diving.  Ok I am already lying, I was really just clearning the house.  What 27 year old throws their back out clearning?  Second, I have yet to take out my winter clothes, so I have been wearing lots of long shirts and summer layers.  I would be lying if I told you I have not looked like a dress up bag lady for the past week.  Third, I have been listening to the "All I Want for Christmas" station for the past three weeks.  So can you see why I have felt a little nutty?  I am gearing up for lots of holiday travel, the first of which I have to start packing for this week.  I am headed back home for a whole week, so I wanted to get a little holidy dressing inspiration on the blog.  Took a look down memory lane to see what festive outfits I had come up with in the past.  As you can see from the pics I am looking to pops of red, shiny pants, and more and more suquins to get myself in the holiday spirit.  My goal: to look like a large, fun holiday ornament more than once in the coming months.    What are you planning to wear for the holidays??  Happy Monday...J

1 comment:

  1. Shiny striped dress + sneakers is my favorite look! Wishing you fabulous and safe travels!
