Hi sweet friends! I have to be honest with you, I got a little teary eyed putting this post together. It was one thing to post my own "Love You" feature as I had been thinking about it for a while. But as some of the features have started to roll in I continue to be inspired by all of the amazing women out their sharing the love.
Today I would like to introduce you to the darling Megan, who is the brains behind a lot of things actually. You can check out her mad design skills at Hitch Design Studio, her daily inspirations at The Fresh Exchange, or chat her up as one of the founders of the amazing Blog Brunch. I already knew she was pretty fantastic, but read on to find out what she loves about herself.
From the desk of Megan:
"Okay my five things I love about myself:
1. I love that I am introverted. Most people find this to be a huge weakness and at times I do, but I love it about myself. It is the reason I love the simple things and why I value home, family, and good friends. It also is much of the reason I am good at what I do. Most people would hate being alone all day, but it is what makes me work well. I create best alone with my music jamming and in the stillness of evening with a glass of wine. This doesn't mean I am not fun or love a good party...get me on the dance floor and you will say "she's introverted?!?" I am wilder than you may expect at times.
2. I love that I can cook anything. There is nothing more that I love to do. You know I am too stressed when I either am baking cupcakes or avoiding the kitchen all together. I love the fact that I have this natural ability and can entertain people and serve my friends and family this way. I just wish I had even more time to do so.
3. I love that I am athletic. Most of the years growing up I hated I could never have this itty bitty little twig body, but I loved that I could beat the boys on the soccer field. Years later I still have a hard time finding the right jeans for my thighs and hips but you know I love the fact that I am curvier and can hold my own when it comes to chores, gardening, and other athletic things. I love still beating my hubby when we kick the ball around in the yard. I can still hit a pretty perfect corner kick and I like that.
4. I love being the nice person. It is true I have been taken advantage of, but I love that at the end of the day I never feel bad about how I treated someone. I will always be the one you can call for anything and I will make you dinner and listen to you about anything then give you the practical advice. I love that I am nice and over the years I have learned to know when I am being taken for granted. I love purely and deeply and I couldn't be happier with that about myself.
5. I love that I take very little for granted. I live in the best place and have some of the most amazing friends and family. Not to mention I feel lucky to be married to my best friend and have two wonderful pups. I feel extremely blessed and every day I wake up and tell myself that I am very lucky and I cannot ever take this for granted. I always know I have those things at the end of the day. I try to always remember how lucky I am and how sweet a blessing life truly is."
As someone, who is constantly trying to be more thankful, I think #5 was my favorite because it is really important to not take anything for granted. But I will tell you, it was hard to choose a favorite. Thank you Megan for sharing with us today, and most of all thank you for being you. Happy Friday...J
P.S. Could the photos Megan sent over be any cuter?? I need to take some posing classes from this lady.