
{This in That: Shades of Grey}

Don't laugh at me for the title of this post.  If you are like me and pretty much every woman out there, you have probably read, heard about, or taken a peak into the book that has taken the nation by storm.  It is so weird to me what catches on in this day in age.  If you had told me a year ago to go and write a book about wild, crazy, submissive and dominant sex, and I would become a millionnaire, I would have laughed you out of town.  So as I approach the end of my trip down submissive and dominant sex lane {I am about to finish the trilogy not giving you a weird glimpse into my sex life}, I share with you a "Mr. Grey" inspired post today.  Would rather be lounging at home in a bedroom like THIS in THAT comfy dress.  Happy Tuesday...J

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